Photos: © Aljube Museum Resistance and Freedom

Books in the Aljube

16 April 2019

Esquecidos em Abril – Os Mortos da Revolução Sem Sangue [Forgotten in April – The Dead of the Revolution Without Blood]

A book that shows how alive they are in the memory and pain of their relatives (of Esmeralda, sister of one of the deads, for example, who called us from the US) and that should also be alive in the memory of all of us  – they were the last dead of the PIDE in António Maria Cardoso.


Sérgio de Barros Godinho
#inthisday recalls people and events of resistance to the dictatorship and the fight for freedom.
31 of August of 2024
International Youth Day
#inthisday recalls people and events of resistance to the dictatorship and the fight for freedom.
12 of August of 2024
Adolfo Correia da Rocha
#inthisday recalls people and events of resistance to the dictatorship and the fight for freedom.
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