Laura Serra

18 March 2023

The tough anti-fascist and communist activist Laura Serra died yesterday.

Born on 14 October 1924 in Lisbon, within a working family, she began working very young as a seamstress.
She joined the Portuguese Comunist Party and became an employee in 1947, with responsibilities until 1958 in underground homes.
Subsequently, she had an organization job as a company cell manager in the textile sector in the North of the country. After the 1974 revolution, she held functions in the extinction services of PIDE, and continued with party tasks in several districts of the country.
Laura Serra’s life was marked by the harshness of the underground, where her three children were born, and she was even imprisoned at home in her company.
A lifetime dedicated to the struggle for freedom and democracy, its courage and resistance, the Museum of Aljube Resistance and Freedom pays tribute.

To family and friends, the Museum of Aljube Resistance and Freedom offers the most heartfelt condolences.


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