Seara Nova

15 October 2020

The management staff consisted of Ferreira de Macedo, Jaime Cortesão and Luís Câmara Reys (Director); Faria de Vasconcelos, António Tomás Conceição Silva and Rodrigo Caeiro Vieira (General Assembly Bureau); João de Araújo Morais, João Maria Sant’Iago Prezado and José das Neves Leal (Fiscal Council). Among the “Seareiros” are also António Sérgio, Aquilino Ribeiro, Raul Brandão or Raul Proença. In addition to the many collaborators who passed through there, such as Júlio Pomar, Lopes Graça, Ana Hatherly, Irene Lisboa, Bernardo Santareno, Bento de Jesus Caraça, among many others.

In this first issue, it can be read: “SEARA NOVA represents the effort of some intellectuals, owed of political parties but not of political life, so that it may rise above the wretched circus where the unconfessable interests of the clients and plutocratic oligarchies are discussed, a purer atmosphere in which the protest of the most personal consciences is heard, and in which the protest of the most personal consciences is formulated and imposed , by a broad and deep propaganda, the reforms necessary for national life. “It was 1921. The Seara Nova would be, like the other publications of the time, hit by censorship, having interrupted its circulation between August 1926 and April 1927, justifying that it “does not fit with the censored pencil of the officers”.

When he returns, much of the direction is already in exile. 99 years later, it continues to be edited!


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