© Museu do Aljube Resistência e Liberdade

Cinema in Aljube – Museum of Shame

05 June 2019

Museum of Resistance in Oporto

Luís Monteiro brought to the Aljube Museum a documentary with testimonies of ex-political prisoners from Oporto to show the urgency of creating a place of democratic memory in the former PIDE Police Station in Oporto.

Without exclusions from anyone, Fernando Rosas recommended in the commentary to the film. And without parochialism, as Álvaro Monteiro warned, a prisoner from Barreiro who was in the Oporto prison. And with all the contributions that already exist, as shown by the intervention of Maria José Ribeiro, a woman committed to the transformation of that place for a long time.

We need to multiply the spaces of democratic memory, considered in the debate – as places of expansion of knowledge, formation of critical thinking and active social consciousness. Places that help, by historical intelligence and the debate of ideas, to fight the ignorance and indifferentism of the “dementia” of the times that we live.


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