Books in the Aljube – Os Clandestinos
A great little book that we presented yesterday, with undisguised pride: for bringing together original texts by young authors, for having been masterfully illustrated by Ambrósio Ferreira and for being a valuable production that resulted from the graphic work of Eduardo Ferreira, the author of all the postcards you receive with our activities. And also for the enormous effort of holding the short story contest, carried out by the Museum Educational Service and, in this case, represent, in the most dignified and interesting way, the intense work of this service to strengthen the relations of the portuguese – more or less young. – with the history and memory of our sacrificed XX century.
In this very special case, with the history and memory of thousands of women and men who sacrificed their personal lives, living clandestinely in a consequent and hard struggle for Freedom.
The book is for sale in the Museum Shop.