“Aljube, 1958” – Raul Antero Pedroso Gonçalves – Lisbon
“Aljube, 1958
(…) Lemos da Silva (…) rehearsed another tactic: do you know that in the Portuguese Constitution is not forbidden to go to Moscow? … (…) Pedro (…) answered the letter: ‘Well then, if it is not forbidden; I went’. (…) Take the prisoner to the storeroom (…) The chilling Aljube. (…) cell 3 (…) 1m2 of surface (…) in a wicker of 9cm x 17cm (…) They say that from there, Pedro never stopped laughing. (…) No matter how well guarded a prison is (…) it is impossible to hold the thought (…) A clink of keys comes to call him to reality. (…) Get ready to go to the police. ”
Raul Antero Pedroso Gonçalves – Lisbon