
Books in the Aljube – “Itinerários de Amílcar Cabral” and “Cartas de Amílcar Cabral a Maria Helena: a Outra Face do Homem”
“Itinerários de Amílcar Cabral” (Amílcar Cabral’s Itineraries) and “Cartas de Amílcar Cabral a Maria Helena: a Outra Face do Homem” (Letters from Amílcar Cabral to Maria Helena: The Other Face of the Man) were the motto for an exciting and free conversation between the expert – the historian José Neves -, and the organisers and […]
11 of December of 2018
Lives in the Resistance – António Paulo and the group of peasants who fought for the 8 hours of work per day in Alentejo
Today, the auditorium of the Aljube was too small to contain the large curious audience (students and the community) and to record the wisdom, irony and poetry that jumped from the words and face of António Paulo. He was accompanied by some women from the Ribeira do Sado, who shared their living memories of the […]
5 of December of 2018
Visit to the Museum of Aljube – International Association of Democratic Jurists
International Association of Democratic Jurists At the invitation of the APDJ (Portuguese Association of Democratic Jurists), some members of the Bureau of this International Association visited, on December 2, the Museum of Aljube, and organised a conference there with the presence of former political prisoners, lawyers who defended them in Full Court, and also ROLAND […]
2 of December of 2018
Teacher Training Course
TEACHER TRAINING COURSE The Museum of Aljube held, on November 21 and 28, a short-term teacher training course, in partnership with the CFEAS (School Training Centre António Sérgio). History, Memory and Truth were the themes for an exploration of the Museum and a reflection work on the nature of the history we share, the memories […]
28 of November of 2018
Lives in the Resistance – Manuela Bernardino
Testimony of the life and struggle of Manuela Bernardino – from the academic struggles (preceded by the support, even at a young age, from her family, who also opposed the Dictatorship), to the harshness of a clandestine life. In a session attended by students from the Secondary Schools Passos Manuel and Camões, some comrades-in-arms and […]
15 of November of 2018
Cycle Books in the Aljube – Pelourinho – Boletín de Relaciones Transfronterizas, Nº 22
Launch of the journal O PELOURINHO – Boletin de Relaciones Transfronterizas, nº 22 Moisés Cayetano Rosado, a friend of the Museum, launched yesterday, at the Museum of Aljube, the Boletín N º 22 of O Pelourinho, an issue with a thematic report devoted to Exile, Emigration and Repression in the Luso-Spanish border. The Deputy of […]
13 of November of 2018
Iberian Radical Left, revolutionary and democratic transition process – breaking and consensos. Comparative perspectives.
– Iberian radical left – 22 and 23 of november 2018 In the 1970s, when the Iberian dictatorships were over, the constellation of small organizations to the left of the communist parties brought together the intelligence and wills of a generation born in the second post-war, in times of cold war and the development of […]
29 of October of 2018
Cycle Books in the Aljube – Book Memórias de um Assassinato em Montemor-o-Novo (Memories of a Murder in Montemor-o-Novo)
Presentation of the book in the Museum of Aljube in the late afternoon of October 23. With the precious staging of the Carnide Theatre Group and the contagious communication of Teresa Fonseca. A valuable promise for future book launches. Many would have liked to be in the Museum of Aljube on this day. Photos: © Aljube Museum […]
23 of October of 2018
Lisbon from the Aljube – Working Lisbon – The Eastern Zone
With Raimundo Santos, born, and raised in the Eastern zone, in the Pátio da Quintinha (Quintinha Patio), former palacete do Marquês de Marialva (mansion of the Marquis de Marialva). From the riverside pranks to the factory work. And from there to the fight against the Dictatorship, passing through the prisons of the PIDE, this was […]
20 of October of 2018